SatNOGS Station Architecture๏ƒ

Installed components๏ƒ

  • satnogs-flowgraphs: Provide the generic & satellites specific GNU Radio flowgraphs.

  • gr-soapy: A GNU Radio wrapper for the SoapySDR library.

  • gr-satnogs: GNU Radio Out-Of-Tree Module with blocks required by satnogs-flowgraphs, for example a waterfall sink.

  • satnogs-ansible: The Ansible playbook & roles for setting up and configuring a SatNOGS Station.

  • satnogs-config: SatNOGS client system configuration utility. Invokes roles from SatNOGS Ansible for applying the actual setup & configuration.

  • satnogs-client: Python Daemon which fetches jobs from SatNOGS network, controls rotators (via Hamlib), invokes flowgraphs from satnogs-flowgraphs for reception and finally uploads the observation results to satnogs-network. Optionally also uploads โ€œSatNOGS artifactsโ€ to satnogs-db.